ABOUT the mela carnival


  • To present festivals which celebrate the cultural diversities within the contemporary Australian society which encompasses multiculturalism, assimilation and sharing of experiences.
  • To increase and stimulate community sense of fun and enjoyment through the medium of carnival activities like rides, games, food tasting, boutique and jewelry shopping, stage performances and general gathering of people. 
  • To bring to the forefront, the cultural heritage of many ethnic groups through traditional musical and theatrical stage performances.
  • To provide a platform for people of all ages and all ethnicities to have a fun day out with their families and friends under the atmosphere of carnival fun fair and colorful landscape.
  • Having a commitment to the entertainment community using a myriad of carnival activities for all age groups while working closely with a number of multicultural groups for stage performances, thereby providing them the avenue for entertainment events in Brisbane.

Goals & Objectives:

  • Performances – Through the artistic program and activities, the organizers provide many entertaining and enjoyable events involving local and outside talents and other stakeholders.
  • Audience – we aim to provide activities and events that will attract a wide range of people (patrons) in our local community as well as surrounding areas.
  • Cultural learning and engagement – our program promises to entertain our audience , offering a wide breadth of experiences to engage, excite and inspire them.
  • Sponsors – quality return on investment for corporate sponsors, media partners and other stake holders including complimentary tickets and VIP admission to functions and events. These sponsorships will also benefit the sponsors’ getting their message to their market and promote their brand within the broader community.
  • Sustainability – The Mela Carnival Organizing Committee is a team formed from the parent body, Islamic Society of Queensland Inc. which is a not -or-profit, incorporated and charitable organization which has been in existence for over 15 years.
  • Volunteers – our carnival is dependent on the commitment, dedication and enthusiasm of many volunteers and supporters. The team members are themselves working on voluntary basis and commit countless hours leading up to and during the execution of these carnival events.
  • Merchandise – The Mela Carnival Committee organizes a large market place, selling an enormous range of traditional costumes, classic jewelry and a gathering with particular emphasis on offering high quality food and hand-made goods.


  • To deliver a distinctive carnival which is unique in the landscape of Australian festivals integrating with the existing calendar of successful Queensland cultural festivals.
  • To attract multicultural performances into our bi-annual programs to raise their profile and awareness of multi-ethnic talents in Queensland.
  • The carnival shall be made relevant to both the general public and in particular the multicultural groups whereby attracting a broad demographic audience for everyone to share and enjoy.
  • To utilize the funds raised in the carnivals for acquiring a multi-purpose community center for all communities to use for get-togethers, workshops, indoor sports, extra-curriculum activities for the youth and educational programs.



A multicultural event organised by the Mela Committee of the Islamic Society of Queensland Inc. at the Australian International Islamic College grounds on Sunday 27th June  2021 turned out to be a glorious celebration of multiculturalism and international cuisine and boutique fanfare. 

Despite having to move the event from Saturday 26TH June to Sunday due to the weather, the organisers worked tirelessly to deliver the message through social media and the wireless media. The message must have really hit home, as literally thousands lined up to enjoy the carnival atmosphere and soak up the sun on a beautiful Sunday while relishing the variety of rides , shopping for unique clothes, jewellery and trying out a truly international array of food from many corners of the world. 

Inspirations Cleaning Services, MacTrans Heavy Haulage, Brisvaani Radio 170.2AM, Punjabi Furniture, Rims Cleaning Services, National Electric & Solar, Carpet Life Savers, Ray White AKG, The Verve Lounge,  Multicultural Affairs Qld, AIIC, Brisbane Indian Times, MyG Gaming Platform without whose sponsorship and timely assistance , this event would not have been made possible. We thank the hundred or so stall holders, the volunteers, the service providers, the police department, the ambulance and the general public who all came out in full force to ensure the Eid Mela Carnival was an astounding success that it really turned out to be

Our team


Chairperson of the Mela Carnival, Boutique /Jewelry Stalls and Programs Coordinator, Stage Events Management, Sponsorship Coordinator

Raj Raaz

Event Coordinator in charge of Public , Government and other stake holders’ Liaison Officer,  Coordination of all activities of the carnival


Stalls coordinator, Stalls allocation planner  and in-charge of all financial income/expenditure  of the carnival, overall coordinator of sponsors and advertisers.

nazmul nisha

Assisting to Boutique/Jewelry Stalls, Entry Management and General coordination of events.


 Boutique/Jewelry stalls coordinator, assisting to stage programs, Entry management and events coordinator, social media coordinator

Aslam Mohammed

Rides ticketing in charge, Stalls coordinator and finance handler, Assisting in the planning & execution of the carnival Executive Committee member of Mela Carnival Team.


Administration, Social Media Coordinator, Designing, Photography, Events Coordinator 

our VOLUNTEERS helping to create a magical atmosphere!

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